Game Designer Adventure is an indie game created by A Guy in his Garage Games.

This game follows the one and only George Dreider on his very own game designing journey, learning how to program and draw in no time! This game is not meant for educational purposes at all and it is very shallow as it was made under two weeks by me (A Guy in his Garage Games) for an art class assignment. We didn't even need to make a game, we just needed to make a presentation lol. I am not experienced with Unity or C# one bit, but I took this as a great learning experience and hope you enjoy it. This game is most definitely inaccurate to how you learn game development and everything like that, but I really tried to do what I could to make this into something that I'm slightly proud of. 

Please leave your suggestions and feedback in the comments! I barely get any so it would be greatly helpful!


  • Should be able to run on any Windows device if you want to download it (only restricted by Unity itself)
  • Only downloadable for Windows
  • Can be played in the browser as well

Other Info:

  • This game is in beta testing so I can gather feedback from players
  • This game is expected to be updated more than just once
  • This game is not allowed to be redistributed in any capacity. This includes all the files within the game such as music, textures, and code. However, the font was found online, therefore you must abide by what is said there.

This game has been cancelled indefinitely as I have lost both the code and drive to update it


Current Known Bugs:

  • When game starts on Web, the game logo on the start screen is glitched out or something


Game Designer Adventure - Version 0.1.1 - For Windows 55 MB
Game Designer Adventure - Version 0.1 - For Windows 56 MB

Install instructions

Unzip the file downloaded, then double click on the file named "Game Dev Adventure.exe"

Development log

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