Game Designer Adventure Bugfix 1 (Ver. 0.1.1)

Bugs Fixed:

  • Fixed the elevators not highlighting
  • Fixed the player getting caught on the ground in a certain area
  • Fixed the text in tutorial from saying “Game Designer Journey” and has made the text say “Game Designer Adventure” instead

Pending Issue: The logo for the game on the title screen is still warped and I have no idea why or how… when you go into the options screen and go back to the title screen everything is good, so I’m not sure what’s going on, but I will continue to try and fix it, and hopefully polish up the game alongside it (making it look nicer and all that). Hopefully that will come in version 1.2 alongside new textures for new background decorative elements, then 0.2 will come out, adding more minigames and revamping one of them.

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43 days ago
Game Designer Adventure - Version 0.1.1 - For Windows 55 MB
43 days ago

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